
We are estimated delivery time to deliver the product to you is around 1-7 working days from order date.The majority of the products featured on are stocked at and shipped from overseas .Our Prices all inclusive of all the duties, charges, taxes etc. right to your doorstep. Once you place your order and we verify it, the entire responsibility and all the hassles of importing & delivering the product to your doorsteps is ours. We take care of everything from shipping to safely delivering your order. We deliver all over India. 


Delivery :


We deliver all over India, We have partnered with various courier companies thereby enabling us to deliver your products to anywhere!!! . Purwanchal2india strives to deliver its customer in safest manner & quickest time possible. We have partnered with various leading Shipping Companies in India so as to deliver your product in safest manner possible (All Pvt Couriers, INDIA SPEEDPOST).We try to deliver sooner but cannot promise an earlier date because of all the logistical constraints and procedures involved in imports. It is advised to our customer to kindly purchase the order only if they agree to the delivery timeline mentioned above. reserves the right to cancel/refund the order at any point of transaction. Though most of our products are shipped from overseas, our operations team is located in India. We guarantee a hassle free experience in which we deliver international goods to your doorstep.


Once you place your order and we verify it, the entire responsibility and all the hassles of importing & delivering the product to your doorsteps is ours. We take care of everything from shipping to safely delivering your order.

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